Does your family have a “kids’ table” at family gatherings? You know, the table set off to one side where all the little ones sit together, play with their food, and giggle at their own silly talk? All the while, the “grown-ups” are gathered at the formal dinner table, immersed in their meal and adult conversation. At a recent family gathering, an impromptu "kids" table formed, composed of the Millenials in our extended family. Traditions die hard. They just wanted to sit together. These “kids” are now in their late 20s and early 30s - … [Read more...]
Getting started is the hardest part. Communication plans work!
It seems to me that there are a few common reasons that stop leaders from getting started on improving their organization's communication. After reflecting upon these, it also occurred to me that there is one common solution. Developing a communication plan is the essential starting point. Let's examine a few possible obstacles that you may face as you contemplate how to improve your organization's communication efforts - and the reasons why I encourage you not to let these obstacles stand in your way! 1."I don't have time." Believe it or … [Read more...]
A focus on leadership communication is essential part of the job
Can you think of a time in your work life when you weren’t in the loop on information that you needed to do your job? How did that feel? Most people would say, “Not so good.” Ok, now think about how communication could have supplied a simple remedy. Just as communication is foundational to our individual professional lives, effective leadership communication is foundational to effective organizations, too. Admittedly, your leadership communication will reflect your beliefs about leadership style. Personally, I think of it as the type of … [Read more...]